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Exkluzívny wellness pobyt v zážitkovom Avalon Parku v mestečku Miskolctapolca

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Dobry den,
Sme 2 dospeli a 2 deti vo veku 2r a 6r.Je pre nas potrebne doplatit si vacsiu izbu?Mame zaujem o termin od 2.9–4.9.2019.

Avalon Resort & SPA

Dear Jan,

Thank you for your interest in Avalon Resort & SPA!

You can buy our discounted voucher, which is valid for 2 adults and 1 child, but for your family (2 adults+ 2 children) we can provide a bigger room type for extra price 50 Euro/room/night. Under 6 years we can provide the extra bed for free.

In case of any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Best regards,
Avalon Resort & SPA

Beata Kovacova

Dobry den!Chcela by som sa spytat,ci v termine od 11.08.2019 do 14.08.2019 mate volno pre 6 dospelych osob a 3 deti(do 6 rokov)?

Avalon Resort & SPA

Dear Beata Kovacova,

Thank you for your interest!

In the given period we do not have any free rooms due to a full house.

Thank you for your understanding!

Best regards,
Avalon Resort & SPA

Iveta Balážová

Dobrý deň, mala by som záujem o pobyt pre dve dospelé osoby v termíne od 25.08.2019 do 29.08.2019, na štyri noci.
Aká by bola cena aj s večerou ?

Avalon Resort & SPA

Dear Iveta Balážová,

Thank you for your interest.

In the given period we have free capacity. In case, if you would like to stay 4 nights in our hotel, you can buy 2 vouchers. Our offer contains only the breakfast. The dinner you can eat a'la carte in our restaurants for extra price.

In case of any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Best regards,
Avalon Resort & SPA


Dobrý deň, v prípade záujmu o pobyt na 4 noci, 2 dospelý a 1 dieťa – 3 ročné, je možné spojiť si 2 kupóny ? tiež by som sa chcela informovať koľko by vyšiel pobyt aj s večerami. Ďakujem za odpoveď

Avalon Resort & SPA

Dear Petra,

Thank you for your interest in Avalon Resort & SPA!

Our discounted voucher is valid for 2 adults and 1 child (under 6 years) for 2 nights. If you would like to stay 4 nights in our hotel, it is necessary to buy 2 vouchers. In the summer period you can use the vouchers only on weekdays.

Our prices include only the breakfast. The dinner you can eat a'la carte, but the price is not included!

In case of any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Best regards, Avalon Resort & SPA


Dobrý deň prajem… Sme 2 dospelí a dieťa 3roky…dieťa je grátis??? Ďakujem

Avalon Resort & SPA

Dear Danka,

Thank you for your interest in Avalon Resort & SPA!

The extra bed for your 3 years old child is free of charge.

In case of any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Best regards, Avalon Resort & SPA

Lívia H.

Dobry den. Mame zaujem o pobyt pocas pracovnych dni s nástupom v nedelu, cena 299 eur pre 2 osoby + 3 deti (1 rok, 3 roky, 6 rokov) v termine od 21. 7.-23.7. Chcela by som sa opytat, aka by bola konecna cena a ci je mozne predlzit pobyt o 1 den? Dakujem.

Avalon Resort & SPA

Dear Lívia,

Thank you for your interest in Avalon Resort & SPA!

You can buy our discounted voucher, which is valid for 2 adults and 1 child, but for your family (2 adults+ 3 children) we can provide a bigger room type for extra price 50 Euro/room/night. Under 6 years we can provide the extra bed for free.

In the given period (21.07.-23.07.) we have free capacity. In case, if you would like to stay 1 night more, the extra price is 245 Euro/room/nig­ht.

Our prices include only the breakfast. The dinner you can eat a'la carte, but the price is not included!

In case of any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Best regards, Avalon Resort & SPA

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