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Pobyt pre rodiny s deťmi v hoteli Aurum Family**** v Hajduszoboszló

Hotel Aurum Family**** Hajduszoboszló - Maďarsko (mapa)

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Dobrý deň,
mali by sme záujem o pobyt od 23.2.-25.2.2020 pre 2 dospele osoby + 3 deti: 4,10,12 rokov. Pobyt s polpenziou a vstupom do wellness. Koľko by stál pobyt pre celú rodinu? Ďakujem.

Hotel Aurum Family****

Dear Zanova!
Thank you for your interest in our hotel. I have to let you know that our biggest suites( deluxe or family suites) are designed to occupy 2 adults and 2 children ( age 3–13.99 ). There is a double bed in the bedroom and a pull out sofa in the living room for the children. We can offer you to stay in one room but we can not provide you any extra bed for the 4 year old because of the size of the room. Therefore she/he must sleep on the double bed with the parents.
The amount for the 2 nights 23.02.-25.02..2020.) would be €207 / 2 adults and 3 children ( the 4 year old can stay for free, but make sure that you mark the 4 year old as the 1. child when booking the voucher!!!).
Please let me know if I can assist you any further.
Kind regards,
Tünde Tóth

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