Bukk- Zemplen Apartmans
Tento podnik momentálne nemá žiadnu ponuku
Nebojte sa, nič nie je stratené. Dajte podniku srdiečko a my vám napíšeme hneď, ako bude pripravená nová ponuka.
O nás
Experience the immeasurable feeling of luxury in our exclusively designed Penthouse apartment in downtown Miskolc!
Enjoy the uniquely designed interiors, the bright, sunny rooms, the use of premium materials, the huge roof garden / terrace and the unique location in the city center.
Located on the top floor of the newly built Miskolc downtown condominium, the huge terrace of our apartment offers a wonderful panorama of the Avasi Lookout Tower and the green line of the historic Avas below, which sweetens the moments of sipping coffee at the sunrise or an excellent atmosphere for a romantic dinner.
We recommend our penthouse apartment to those who prefer the feeling of life associated with a unique design and special location, they love the hustle and bustle of the city during their stay, yet they want peace and quiet.
Bukk Penthouse
Hunyadi János u. 26/B 402, Miskolc, Maďarsko 🇭🇺
Vybavenie a služby
Bukk-Zemplen Apartments
Hunyadi János u. 26/B 109, Miskolc, Maďarsko 🇭🇺
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Vybavenie a služby