Changes in reviews

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What is the change about?

We've tweaked the way we calculate the average rating of offers and providers to better reflect customer satisfaction.

What are the main changes from 4. 1. 2023?

1. The focus is on newer ratings

If your business has received a larger number of reviews in recent years, we will only calculate the average rating from reviews in the last 3 years. Have you received worse reviews in the past and subsequently improved the quality of service, which has translated into positive customer reviews? If so, the old reviews are not counted in the average rating. However, we do not hide them and they can be traced.

2. Evaluation of services from several points of view

For some time now, you may come across reviews in the partner interface that have a decimal rating. For example, 3.5 stars instead of the previous 3 or 4 stars. This is due to the fact that customers can rate offers from multiple perspectives. The rated areas are different for each category.

An example is a restaurant review where the customer rated the staff, the food, the environment and the booking process. The staff, food and environment received 5 stars, for the booking process the customer gave 3 stars. So the average comes out to 3.5 stars. And it is this rating of the offers, without rounding, that will now be included in the average rating of the offer/partner.

Display in the partner interface and on the web.

In your partner interface, under the rating summary at the top of the page, you will find the "Detailed Rating" section, which shows the average rating of the company according to each criterion. This section will not appear if your business has few ratings so far. Detailed ratings can be displayed at the level of a specific review, if that review already contains them.

This detail of the reviews you see from the beginning of the year at your interface will also be displayed on the web already under the name "Detailed rating". 

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